7 Plants That Bring Good Fortune And Health

Incorporating plants into our homes and gardens isn’t just about beautifying the space; it’s also about creating a healthier, more harmonious environment. According to various cultural beliefs and traditions, certain plants are thought to bring good fortune, prosperity, and health to those who nurture them.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting to explore the world of plants, here are 7 plants that are celebrated for their positive vibes and beneficial properties.

1. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

Often referred to as the “Money Plant” or “Lucky Plant,” the Jade Plant is a succulent that is believed to attract wealth and prosperity. Its vibrant green leaves symbolize growth and renewal, resembling small coins, which is why it’s popular in Feng Shui practices.

Placing a Jade Plant near the entrance of your home or office is said to welcome financial success and good luck.

2. Lavender (Lavandula)

Known for its soothing fragrance and beautiful purple blooms, Lavender is a symbol of purity, silence, and calmness. It’s widely used in aromatherapy to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and promote relaxation.

Planting Lavender in your garden or keeping a bouquet in your home can help create a tranquil space and attract positive energy.

3. Bamboo (Bambusoideae)

In Asian cultures, Bamboo is a sign of strength, flexibility, and resilience. The Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana), in particular, is a popular Feng Shui plant believed to bring good luck and fortune. Its easy care and ability to grow in water make it a favorite for indoor gardening.

The number of stalks has different meanings, with three stalks attracting happiness, five stalks for wealth, and seven for health.

4. Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

The Money Tree is another plant famed for bringing prosperity and good fortune. Its braided trunk, which holds up lush, green leaves, is said to lock in wealth, while its presence in the home or workplace is believed to reduce stress and promote positive energy. It’s a hardy plant that requires minimal care, thriving in indirect light and needing only occasional watering.

5. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

Aloe Vera is not just a plant with medicinal properties; it’s also considered a symbol of healing and protection. According to folklore, it wards off bad luck and negative energies. Its ability to soothe burns, moisturize the skin, and purify the air makes it a must-have in any home. Placing Aloe Vera by your kitchen window is a way to invite good health into your home.

6. Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Basil is revered in many cultures for its protective and health-promoting properties. It’s considered a sacred herb in Hinduism, where it’s known as Tulsi, and is believed to bring good fortune, love, and wealth. Basil’s strong fragrance can repel pests, and its leaves are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Growing Basil in your garden or on a sunny windowsill can enhance your meals and your well-being.

7. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily is a beautiful plant that symbolizes peace, tranquility, and purity. Its elegant white blooms are said to attract positive energy and enhance the flow of chi in your home. Beyond its symbolic meaning, the Peace Lily is an excellent air purifier, removing toxins from the air. It thrives in shady areas, making it a perfect plant for indoor spaces.


These 7 plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but also carry deep symbolic meanings and health benefits. Whether you’re looking to enhance your garden’s beauty, improve your home’s air quality, or attract good fortune and well-being, incorporating these plants into your space can make a significant difference.

Remember, the act of caring for plants and connecting with nature is in itself a form of good fortune and a step towards a healthier life.


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